NeuroFeedback brain training

We help people reach their Peak potential through state of the art brain training using advanced technology and up-to-date science led by top professionals.


Discover your strengths and areas of development through:

Advanced QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) brainwave mapping using latest technology. QEEG provides objective and comprehensive measurements that ensure a personalised training approach.

Comprehensive psychological assessment tools offers a wide range of standardized psychological tests that measure various cognitive abilities, personality traits, and psychomotor skills.


Neurofeedback training is a brain training program for a successful journey of personal and professional development. It is personalised for each individuals needs to live life to the fullest, and for each patient to recover.

Neurofeedback training, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a form of training that utilizes real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help individuals self-regulate their brain functioning.

It is based on the principle that the brain’s electrical activity can be influenced and modified through training. The feedback is presented through a video game or a movie that responds to changes in brainwave activity.


Peak performance is encompassing various aspects such as cognitive abilities, physical performance, creativity, and emotional regulation. Neurofeedback training has been explored as a potential tool to enhance peak performance in different domains. 

Neurofeedback training is one approach that has shown promise in supporting individuals with mental health issues to achieve their true potential as well as individuals with peak performance ambitions reach their peak performance goals.

Imagine life!

If you can improve:

Fields of Application

Peak Performance Applications

Peak performance neurofeedback is a form of brain training that aims to optimize cognitive functioning and enhance performance in various domains. It involves using real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help individuals self-regulate their brain functioning and achieve a state of optimal performance.

Peak performance neurofeedback has been used to excel in various fields, including sports, academic cognitive enhancement, workplace executive functions and creative talents . While research on the effectiveness of neurofeedback for peak performance is still evolving, anecdotal evidence suggests that it can help individuals improve their mental and physical performance by optimizing their brain functioning.

Mental Health Applications

Neurofeedback is a therapeutic approach that is used to address various mental health conditions and promote overall well-being. Neurofeedback utilizes real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help individuals develop self-regulation of their brain functioning, aiming to alleviate symptoms and enhance mental well-being.

Neurofeedback can be beneficial for various mental health conditions. It helps individuals with ADHD, depression, learning disabilities, anxiety, PTSD, and sleep disorders. Additionally, it can assist individuals with substance use disorders by promoting self-regulation, reducing cravings, and supporting recovery.

The Journey to PEAK

The journey to peak is a path that takes us beyond our limitations and challenges, in order to reach new heights of personal excellence and mental well-being. Here are the milestones for this transformative journey:

  1. Psychological assessment
  2. QEEG Brain mapping
  3. Neurofeeedback training

Psychological Assessment

Psychological assessment refers to the process of gathering information and evaluating various aspects of an individual’s psychological functioning, including cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional states, and behavioral patterns. It involves the use of standardized tests, questionnaires, interviews, and observations to gather data and make inferences about an individual’s psychological characteristics.

QEEG Brain Mapping

Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) brain mapping, also known as brainwave mapping, is a technique used to analyze and map the electrical activity of the brain. It provides valuable information about brain function and is used in various applications, including: Assessing neurological conditions as well as areas of development for peak performance.

QEEG  provides objective and comprehensive measurements that is the base to ensure a personalised training approach.


Neurofeedback training, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a form of training that utilizes real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help individuals self-regulate their brain functioning.

It is based on the principle that the brain’s electrical activity can be influenced and modified through training. The feedback is presented through a video game or a movie that responds to changes in brainwave activity.


Peak performance is encompassing various aspects such as cognitive abilities, physical performance, creativity, and emotional regulation. Neurofeedback training has been explored as a potential tool to enhance peak performance in different domains. 

Neurofeedback training is one approach that has shown promise in supporting individuals in reaching their peak performance goals, there have been anecdotal reports and research positive outcomes.

Who We Are, What We Do

Inspire, support, and train people to reach their peak potential.

We work as a team to provide  advanced technology and up-to-date science led by top professionals to transform people development.