NeuroFeedback Brain Training

Reach your peak in

Become a better

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NeuroFeedback Explained

Discover how neurofeedback can transform your mind and performance. Through personalized brain training, we help you achieve peak focus, stress control, and cognitive enhancement. Watch the video to see how our journey begins with QEEG brain mapping, followed by real-time neurofeedback sessions designed to optimize your brain function.

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peak Journey


Discover your strengths and areas of development through:
Advanced QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalogram) brainwave mapping using latest technology. QEEG provides objective and comprehensive measurements that ensure a personalised training approach.

Comprehensive psychological assessment tools offers a wide range of standardized psychological tests that measure various cognitive abilities, personality traits, and psychomotor skills.


Neurofeedback training is a brain training program for a successful journey of personal and professional development. It is personalised for each individuals needs to live life to the fullest, and for each patient to recover.

Neurofeedback training, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a form of training that utilizes real-time feedback of brainwave activity to help individuals self-regulate their brain functioning.

It is based on the principle that the brain’s electrical activity can be influenced and modified through training. The feedback is presented through a video game or a movie that responds to changes in brainwave activity.


Peak performance is encompassing various aspects such as cognitive abilities, physical performance, creativity, and emotional regulation. Neurofeedback training has been explored as a potential tool to enhance peak performance in different domains. 

Neurofeedback training is one approach that has shown promise in supporting individuals with mental health issues to achieve their true potential as well as individuals with peak performance ambitions reach their peak performance goals.

Clinically Proven To Achieve



in sleep pattern



in hyperactivity









in Athletes
reaction time

NeuroFeedback improvement

NeuroFeedback improves

Restful sleep Triggers control Self-regulation Focus Attention span Impulse control Mental Agility Positive Thinking Overcoming Fears Calmness Anxiety Control Memory Emotional Regulation Motion Precision Reaction Time Anger Management Mental Clarity Executive Function Creativity Stress Control Focus
Restful sleep Triggers control Self-regulation Focus Attention span Impulse control Mental Agility Positive Thinking Overcoming Fears Calmness Anxiety Control Memory Emotional Regulation Motion Precision Reaction Time Anger Management Mental Clarity Executive Function Creativity Stress Control Focus

Fields of Application

Mental Health

Different neurological and psychological conditions can be associated with distinct patterns of brainwave activity. Neurofeedback training can be tailored to target specific brainwave patterns related to certain neurological conditions.

Peak Performance

Neurofeedback emerged as a powerful tool for optimizing peak performance in various domains. Whether it’s sports, academics, or professional endeavors. It can enhance cognitive abilities, focus, concentration, and overall mental performance.


Neurofeedback Publications from 2000-2020


Clinic & hospital using Neurofeedback


Industries are using Neurofeedback

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